Kingston Funeral Streaming - Kingston Cemetery & Crematorium



It was a massive privilege to work with this lovely family in London a couple of days ago at St Agatha's Catholic Church & Kingston Cemetery & Crematorium. The family only booked the day before the funeral so everything was a bit of a rush, especially as I was already away filming so had to organise this one on the go.

Within an hour of booking us the family had received a dedicated link which they then shared with friends and family across the world. It was incredible to see 620 devices from 9 different countries logging in to see Sameer’s Funeral Stream. The Funeral Streaming of Sameer Plus went out to Australia, Iraq, UK, Canada, United States, Germany, Belgium, Ireland and the Netherlands.

I love my work and count in an absolute honour to connect so many people who would have otherwise missed out on joining in and saying Goodbye.

Should you wish for us to document a family funeral , discover more about our Kingston Funeral Videography - Kingston Funeral Photography and Kingston Funeral Streaming services in the UK.

As Featured on the The London Funeral Guide